Dynasyst is our unique and innovative method of attaching outriggers to mobilization orthoses. Orthoses made with Dynasyst components are highly supportive and aesthetically pleasing.

The Dynasyst product line consists of three outrigger systems: Orfitube, Coils and Springs, and Isoforce. Additionally, Orfit offers three different strengths of elastic thread and a non-elastic thread.



The Orfitube system will help you with a quick and accurate fabrication of outrigger attachments. The low-profile design ensures a patient-pleasing aesthetic appearance.

Orfitubes are easy to bend into shape and easily cut to length.

Orfitube Adjusters allow for easy and correct alignment of finger loops and simplify the adjustment and re-adjustment of correct angles of alignment and applied forces.

Recommended applications:

  • Mobilization orthoses, for example post-operative orthoses after tendon surgery or to recover range of motion.
  • Especially recommended for fabrication of postural orthoses.


Extensor tendon mobilization orthosis with Dynasyst Orfitube.

Extensor tendon mobilization orthosis with Orfitube


Coils and Springs

Orfit’s precoiled wires and springs are designed to offer support for a variety of upper extremity joints injured due to nerve damage of soft tissue damage. We offer coils for the wrist, MCP joints, PIP joints and also spring wire which can be fashioned into custom made coils according to the patient’s needs.

Recommended applications:

  • Dynamic orthoses for nerve palsies such as radial nerve palsy or combined median nerve and ulnar nerve palsy.
  • Dynamic PIP joint extension orthoses for extensor lag at the PIP joint.


Distal radial nerve orthosis with springs on all fingers

Distal radial nerve orthosis with springs on all fingers



Isoforce is a unique outrigger system specifically designed to address the problem of the stiff proximal interphalangeal (PIP) or Interphalangeal (IP) joint.

This outrigger system creates a constant 90° angle of pulling during the full range of motion without having to alter anything on the orthosis. It prevents distraction or compression of the PIP or IP joint. Furthermore, it allows a complete treatment, where no additional visits to the therapist are needed for adaptations on the extension part of the orthosis.

Isoforce can be used for the creation of dynamic and static progressive orthoses.

Recommended applications:

  • Lack of full passive PIP joint extension.
  • PIP joint flexion contracture.
Dynamic orthosis with Isoforce

Dynamic orthosis with Isoforce


Go to accessories to view all Dynasyst dynamic components >

Product Information & Education

Visit our Useful Information & Educate Yourself pages for instructional videos, upcoming splinting workshops, guides for the fabrication of static and dynamic splints and frequently asked questions.

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