
Answering your Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you want to know about low temperature thermoplastic materials
Choosing an appropriate thermoplastic material is one of the most important aspects of orthotic fabrication. If you understand the properties and possibilities of each material, you will always be able to select the perfect material.
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Choosing the Perfect Material for your Orthosis
The most appropriate material for effective orthotic fabrication
Choosing an appropriate thermoplastic material is one of the most important aspects of orthotic fabrication. If you understand the properties and possibilities of each material, you will always be able to select the perfect material.
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Orthoses to Restore Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) Joint Motion
Overview of the Review This systematic review examined the current evidence supporting orthotic interventions for restoring PIP joint extension and flexion following hand injuries or conditions. The review analyzed a total of 12 randomized controlled trials. Study Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria The studies included adult patients with a hand…
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Mallet Fingers in Children
A recent study published online in the Journal of Hand Therapy looks at the conservative treatment of Mallet injuries in children and distinguishes sharply between acute bony mallet injuries and tendinous mallet injuries.   Mallet injuries can be classified (according to the Doyle system) into four types: Type 1.
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Rock Climbing and Injuries to the Upper Extremity
Indoor and outdoor rock climbing have gained in popularity over the last few years. Enthusiasts of the sport claim many physical and mental health benefits associated with this activity. Many individuals might start climbing indoors and move to the outdoors as they become more experienced. It is a much…
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Comfortable and lightweight orthoses with Orfilight NS
When patients are required to wear their orthoses for long duration during day and night, it is always helpful to consider the size of the patient’s extremity, the specifics of the diagnosis and the weight of the selected material for the orthosis. Orfit offers Orfilight, an extremely lightweight material that might be appropriate for many of your patients, regardless of the specific diagnosis.
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Orthotic fabrication for kids
How do you get kids to cooperate with orthotic wear? How do you make sure the orthosis will stay put on their extremity? And how do you make an orthosis on a child that can’t sit still? Orthotic fabrication for children can be quite challenging for all parties involved. Here…
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Orthoses for the Management of Upper Extremity Pain
A Narrative Review
A review of a recent study in the Journal of Hand Therapy looking at the Figure -of-8 orthosis versus the finger based dorsal extension blocking orthosis for treatment of volar plate injuries.
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Beyond plaster: exploring the benefits of an orthosis
General benefits Low temperature thermoplastic material used for orthoses can be a superior alternative to traditional plaster cast material. Unlike most plaster casts, which must remain dry, many orthotic fabrication materials are designed to be water-resistant, allowing users to get in the water without compromising the immobilization of their injury.
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Orthoses for the Treatment of Volar Plate Injuries
Figure -of-8 orthosis versus the finger based dorsal extension blocking orthosis
A review of a recent study in the Journal of Hand Therapy looking at the Figure -of-8 orthosis versus the finger based dorsal extension blocking orthosis for treatment of volar plate injuries.
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Skin Traction and Orthotic Interventions
for Complex PIP Joint Fractures
Finger fractures can be difficult to treat for physicians and therapists. Lengthy immobilization can lead to increased stiffness, pain, deformities, and loss of full range of motion.
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Ganglion cysts in the wrist
To immobilize after surgical removal or not?
This study helps clinicians with clinical decision making regarding the choice of orthotic interventions for patients with trigger finger.
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Trigger Finger: Orthotic Options
A clinical trial
This study helps clinicians with clinical decision making regarding the choice of orthotic interventions for patients with trigger finger.
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The Use of Orfit Coils and Wires in Orthotic Fabrication
With video tutorial
This assortment allows therapists a choice for selection of the appropriate coil for each specific joint and pathology.  Those coils have been designed for specific joints each, which means that they are calibrated to not exceed the maximum force on the joints. 
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Unique Orthoses for the Proximal Inter-phalangeal (PIP) Joint
A video tutorial
  The Proximal Inter-phalangeal or PIP joint is a hinge joint that is normally kept in alignment by a soft-tissue envelope consisting of the joint capsule, the volar plate, the collateral ligaments, and the central slip. These soft tissue structures form a tight-fitting “box” within a very small…
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Low-Profile Radial Nerve Palsy Orthosis
A video tutorial
  The radial nerve is the terminal continuation of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus. It contains fibers from nerve roots C5 – T1.  From the axilla region, the radial nerve travels down the arm and innervates the triceps muscle.  The radial nerve then descends down the arm,…
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Easy Orthotic Solutions for the Fingers, Hand, Thumb, Wrist and Forearm (Free Download)
A booklet of easy-to-follow orthotic instructions using Orficast and Orficast More
This booklet features quick and easy orthotic fabrication instructions for a variety of common finger and hand injuries that need quick immobilization techniques. Our goal is to offer you easy orthotic solutions that are quick to fabricate and comfortable options for your patients.   Download your free Orthotic Solutions Booklet and join the thousands of…
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Munster Orthosis from Orficast More 30cm and 6cm
An impressive orthosis for preventing full active forearm rotation
The Muenster is a useful orthosis for preventing full forearm pronation and supination. It helps to position the forearm in a neutral position so that injured structures can heal. We go into further detail about this design and explain how to fabricate the orthosis from Orficast More 30 cm.
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Repurposing Used or Scrap Splinting Materials
What can be done in the end with all of the orthoses that we fabricate for our patients?
  After patients have completed their course of rehabilitation, they often have orthoses they no longer want or need. While it is not suitable to repurpose these orthoses for other patients due to concerns for dirt and contamination, there are many creative ways to re-utilize the thermoplastic materials in projects…
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Fabricating Resting Hand Orthoses using the Volar Design
The resting hand orthosis, an orthosis that immobilizes the wrist, fingers, and thumb, is an important intervention for patients with many clinical conditions, including stroke, arthritis, burns, and others. It provides protection and a safe position for healing. This orthosis is often one of the first orthoses taught to novice…
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5 Safety Measures in the Orthotic Fabrication Workspace
How safe is your workspace for orthotic fabrication?
What steps do you take to ensure safety while preparing an orthosis? Here are 5 practical measures to ensure a good and safe outcome for all.
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Hand Therapy for Cyclists
Advice on orthoses and other strategies to reduce symptoms of peripheral neuropathies
A recently published systematic review in the Journal of Hand Therapy highlights other strategies to reduce and avoid symptoms of peripheral neuropathies in cyclists. Let's unpack their findings and look at a helpful orthotic fabrication idea for cyclists.
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New Technique for Attaching Hook-and-Loop Straps to Orficast
Attaching straps with the help of Edging Strip
We share a new, quick, and easy method to attach straps to Orficast! We will be using an unexpected ally for an unbreakable bond: Thermoplastic Edging Strip.
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10 Questions and Answers about Arthritis and Orthoses
The ins and outs of treating arthritis with an orthosis
Arthritis is a very common disorder that includes more than 100 different types of joint diseases and can affect people of all ages. In this article, we tell you about the basic ins and outs of arthritis, how it is diagnosed and how orthoses can help people who suffer from this common yet often misunderstood joint disease. 
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How to Improve Patient Adherence to Orthotic Wear
Strategies to get your patient to wear their orthosis
Patient compliance is an important factor for the success of any orthotic intervention. We share tips and strategies you can use to improve your patient's adherence to orthotic wear.
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Static Progressive Orthoses: The Key Basics
Effective splinting for stiff joints
Learn about the key aspects of the static progressive orthosis: a go-to splint design to treat stiff joints and tight tissues.
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The Short Thumb Opponens Orthosis
6 Key factors for thumb splinting
The short thumb opponens orthosis is a commonly used orthosis that comes with its own splinting challenges: which materials to choose, how to position the thumb, which joints to include in the orthosis, etc. We list 6 key factors for thumb splinting that will help you fabricate the most effective orthoses for all your patients.
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Common Sports Injuries and Orthotic Solutions (+ Free Ebooklet)
Splinting sports-related wrist, hand, thumb and finger injuries
Sports injuries can occur in any type of athlete: the professional, the weekend warrior, the high school sports buff, or the enthusiast who occasionally takes up a sports activity. But no matter the type of athlete you're treating, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to orthotic fabrication for sports injuries.
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The Relative Motion Orthosis (Free Download)
This versatile static orthosis is also known as the “Yoke” orthosis. It positions one or more digits in relative extension or flexion compared to the adjacent digits at the level of the Metacarpal-Phalangeal (MCP) joint.
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Practical Guide to Finger Orthoses (Free Download)
Five different finger orthoses using Orficast 3 cm
The smallest member of the Orficast family is a great product for the fabrication of a variety of finger orthoses. We created a Practical Guide to Finger Orthoses that covers five different orthoses for finger conditions using Orficast 3 cm (1”).
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Orthotic Fabrication for Musicians
How to help musicians who experience strain or injuries?
Musicians may experience different types of repetitive strain or overuse injuries. Some may even have to stop playing their beloved instrument due to these issues. Fortunately, there are a number of ways in which therapists can help musicians, including orthotic fabrication.
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8 Essential Splinting Principles
Tips and tricks for highly effective orthotic fabrication
We discuss 8 Splinting Principles that have truly stood the test of time. First published in 1978, these eight splinting principles continue to be relevant for today’s therapists.
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The Dorsal Blocking Orthosis for Flexor Tendon Rehabilitation
7 therapeutic protocols following flexor tendon repair
The dorsal blocking orthosis has remained a true constant in the ever-changing field of flexor tendon rehab. We discuss 7 possible therapeutic protocols that feature this versatile splint.
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5 Steps to Increase Efficiency in Orthotic Fabrication
Tips for a smooth and efficient splinting process
Do you want to increase your efficiency in orthotic fabrication? We've got you covered! We share 5 top tips to streamline your splinting process.
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How Effective Are Orthoses for Spasticity?
Orthoses and stretching to reduce post-stroke spasticity
Orthoses are routinely used to treat spasticity. But how effective are these? A recent systematic review seeks to provide guidance.
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The Orficast Full Finger Wrap
Guidelines and directions for the full finger wrap
The Full Finger Wrap is a versatile orthosis you can make in just a few minutes. Follow these tips and guidelines for the best orthotic fabrication results.
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Thumb and Wrist Pain: Two Possible Diagnoses
Orthotic fabrication for De Quervain’s and/or Intersection Syndrome
Do you know the best way to treat thumb and wrist pain? We will talk about De Quervain's and Intersection Syndrome and how you can effectively treat both conditions with a Long Thumb Thumb Opponens Orthosis.
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How to Keep My Orthosis Clean and Hygienic?
Cleaning my orthosis or splint
With hand hygiene being so important at this time, we listed some tips on how to keep your orthosis clean and hygienic.
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Mobilization Orthoses to Increase Joint Range of Motion
Dynamic, static progressive or serial static: when to use which?
Mobilization orthoses are an excellent tool to help patients regain passive joint motion. And when it comes to choosing the right one, a sound evidence-based assessment is of indispensable value. Learn more about the differences between dynamic, static progressive and serial static orthoses and discover how to choose between these three.
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The Muenster Orthosis and Sugar Tong Orthosis
Orthoses to prevent full forearm rotation
The Muenster and Sugar Tong Orthosis are two useful orthoses that help to prevent full forearm pronation and supination. Both help to position the forearm in a neutral position so that injured structures can heal.
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Orthoses and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Conservative treatment of CTS
The Journal of Hand Therapy recently featured a randomized clinical trial that tested the effectiveness of several conservative treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Discover our orthotic fabrication tips for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and find out which thermoplastic materials to choose.
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10 Steps to Fabricate a Static Progressive Elbow Flexion Orthosis
Orthotic management to gain passive elbow flexion
The static progressive elbow flexion orthosis is ideal to treat elbow stiffness and limitations in passive range of motion. It incorporates a variety of non-elastic outriggers, which help to place the stiff elbow joint in its maximum tolerable end range position. Learn how to fabricate this adjustable orthosis in 10 steps.
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Orthoses for Painful Fingers
Orthotic fabrication for the treatment of finger osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic disease which can result in painful joints and limited functional ability. Most articles and studies have looked at interventions for OA of the thumb CMC joint. But painful fingers can also cause a variety of functional deficits. Luckily, there are various therapeutic interventions, including orthotic fabrication, that can ease painful fingers and help patients to carry on with their day-to-day activities.
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4 Ideas to Improve your Orthotic Fabrication Skills
Tools for learning Orthotic Fabrication
There are many ways for you to improve your orthotic fabrication skills and increase your level and confidence level with orthotic fabrication. We give practical ideas and suggestions to help you to continuously improve your skills.
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10 Non-Orthotic Uses for Orficast
Different and inventive ways of using Orficast Thermoplastic on a Roll
You know that Orficast and Orficast More are great for making all types of orthoses for fingers, thumbs and hands. But did you know that you can also use Orficast for non-orthotic use in many creative ways? Here are just a few ideas to get you started.
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Tips for Wearing an Orthosis in the Summer
Keeping orthoses feeling fresh and comfortable
When we think about summer, we think about refreshing pool parties, exciting beach trips and long, warm evenings. These activities are all great fun but may bring some challenges to those who need to wear an orthosis. Now that summer is in full swing, we like to share our top tips for keeping your orthoses summer-proof.
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Orthotic Fabrication for MCP Joint Instability
Thumb metacarpal-phalangeal joint hyperextension
There are many ways to provide stability to the MCP joint with an orthosis. Any orthosis that prevents hyperextension but allows active flexion will benefit the patient. Keep it simple and easy to don and doff without excessive bulk. Learn more about MCP Joint instability and how to treat it with an orthosis.
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A Static Progressive Finger Flexion Cuff from Orficast
Increase passive PIP and DIP range of motion
A quick and easy finger flexion cuff to increase passive PIP and DIP range of motion can easily be made from Orficast 3 cm (1"). The orthosis provides low load tension to promote increased PIP and DIP joint range of motion.
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A Closer Look at De Quervain’s Syndrome and Orthotic Management
Hinged long opponens orthosis for De Quervain tendovaginitis
Orthotic fabrication for De Quervain's Syndrome with a twist. We explain how to fabricate a hinged long opponens orthosis and discuss the benefits of this altered design.
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6 Ins and Outs for Using Hook-and-Loop Straps in Orthotic Fabrication
How to firmly secure hook-and-loop strapping to an orthosis?
An important aspect of any orthosis is the strapping used to attach the orthosis to the patient’s extremity. Clinicians generally use hook-and-loop straps, often referred to by the trademarked name “Velcro”. Discover how to keep hook-and-loop strapping firmly secured to an orthosis.
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The Mallet Finger Orthosis
Quick and easy orthotic solutions
An injury to the extensor tendon in Zone 1, over the Distal Inter-Phalangeal (DIP) joint and/or middle phalanx, is termed a mallet finger. We discuss our favourite materials and designs for easy and quick fabrication of the mallet finger orthosis.
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5 Uses for Allfit Thermoplastic Pellets
Fit your patient's needs
Have you ever tried using Allfit thermoplastic pellets in your clinical practice? The small pellets can be moulded into a uniformly soft mound of material that lends itself to multiple purposes. Read along for some great ideas that could seriously enhance your clinical practice.
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How to Attach Hook and Loop Straps to Wet Orficast
A quick Orficast tip for speedy orthotic fabrication
One of the most exciting features about Orficast is the ease and speed with which you can finish your orthosis. Directly applying hook and loop straps on wet Orficast with the help of some Orficast scrap material will considerably cut down the overall fabrication time of the orthosis.
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10 Tips for Decorating an Orthosis
Create beautiful orthoses that put a smile on your patient's face
Once you have fabricated an orthosis for a patient, how are you going to ensure that they wear it as prescribed? It might be worth your time and effort to decorate the orthosis and/or personalize it so that the patient feels it is special and worthwhile to wear.
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6 Orthotic Fabrication Ideas with Orficast More
The endless possibilities of splinting with Orficast More
From static to dynamic orthoses, from short to long ones and even combined designs, the possibilities of Orficast More really are endless. Maryam Farzad PhD, OT and Debby Schwartz OTD, OTR/L, CHT share some of their best static and dynamic orthoses made with Orficast More.
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Orfit Pre-cuts for Quick and Easy Orthotic Fabrication
5 advantages of using an Orfit pre-cut
If you find yourself fabricating the same type of orthosis over and over again, you should check out Orfit pre-cuts.
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How to Make a Pattern for an Orthosis?
Creating orthotic patterns with the use of a paper towel
Do you know how to make a great pattern for your orthosis? A good pattern allows you to judge the correct amount of material needed for the specific orthosis and helps you to envision the shape and position of the finished product. We explain how to make one with the help of a simple paper towel.
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8 Tips for a More Comfortable Orthosis
How to help your patient stick to the wearing schedule
Eight tips to make an orthosis that is supportive and comfortable to help your patient stick to the wearing schedule and optimize their recovery.
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Top 3 Orfit Splinting Blog Posts of 2018
To start the new year off right, we look back at the most popular splinting blog posts of 2018. This past year you loved reading problem-solving blog posts, which all discuss a specific condition or illness and the best orthoses to treat them. What would you like to see next…
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What Does Your Patient Think About Their Orthosis?
Before fabrication of any orthosis, therapists must have a clear understanding of the involved anatomy, how the diagnosis affects the anatomy and what the prescribed orthosis can do to alleviate pain and/or assist in the healing process. The patient’s preferences for coloured materials and/or straps, perforated materials or solid materials, designs and/or decorations should also be taken into consideration. However, this might not even be enough.
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The Peripheral Nerves: A Quick Assessment of Nerve Functioning or “Rock, Paper, Scissors!”
Here is a creative method to assess nerve functioning in the hand and some ideas for orthotic interventions. Using the universally known children’s game of “Rock, Paper, Scissors”, one can assess the nerve functioning of the three peripheral nerves of the upper extremity. 1) Median Nerve:…
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The Circumferential Wrist Orthosis
Immobilization of the wrist joint for restriction of motion, pain relief, joint alignment, functional support, and/or positioning for healing. A variety of acute and painful wrist and hand pathologies may require immobilization with a circumferential wrist immobilization orthosis.
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Orthoses for Regaining PIP Joint Extension
A study on the effectiveness of different custom-made orthoses for regaining PIP joint extension
The PIP joint active motion can be affected by any trauma that occurs to the surrounding tissues. A recent systematic review published in the Journal of Hand Therapy has examined the effectiveness of different orthoses for regaining this full PIP joint extension.
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Orthoses for Trigger Finger
A study on the effectiveness of different orthotic designs
As you might know, orthoses for trigger finger come in many shapes and sizes. But there is no consensus over the best design. Learn more about the effectiveness of two different designs and how you can make them.
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Taped on orthoses for athletes
Low-profile orthoses for returning to sport after thumb or finger injuries.
How to easily fabricate low-profile orthoses to be taped on when athletes return to their sport after thumb and finger injuries.
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How to make modifications with thermoplastic materials to make everyday tasks easier.
The art of adapting
Therapists look for ways to help their patients maintain independence in activities of daily living. Adaptive equipment are devices that are used to assist with completing self-care activities such as bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, and feeding. Adaptive devices might also enable patients to pursue their favourite leisure activities. Sometimes, all that is…
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Orthotic Intervention for the Elderly Patient
Orthotic interventions can benefit our elderly patients by protecting sore and inflamed joints, providing stability and support, correcting and/ or preventing contractures, and offering relief from pain.
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Orthotic Fabrication for Congenital Malformations
Characteristics and specifics of pediatric splinting
Orthotic fabrication can play a crucial role in the treatment of congenital malformations to the upper extremities. Let's have a look at the characteristics of pediatric splinting for congenital malformations. We share some tips and tricks to get the best results from your orthoses.
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The Volar Wrist Cock-up Orthosis
What materials are ideal to fabricate a volar based wrist cock-up orthosis?
Immobilization of the wrist joint for restriction of motion, pain relief, joint alignment, functional support, and/ or positioning for healing.
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Anti-Swan Neck Orthosis
Here is an example of how a simply designed orthosis can have an incredible impact on improved functionality for the patient with a hyperextension deformity of the PIP joint, known as a swan neck deformity. The typical posture of this deformity is PIP hyperextension and DIP flexion.
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Top 3 Orfit Splinting Blogposts of 2017
To kick off the New Year we take a look at our most read blogposts of 2017. We can conclude you like to read our tips and tricks for working with Orfit thermoplastic materials and discover different ways to make rehabilitation more pleasant for your patients. More of this in…
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Post-operative orthosis for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
MCP Arthroplasty Surgery
Patients with severe Rheumatoid Arthritis may have significant ulnar drift of the digits which greatly interferes with their day-to-day activities. MCP arthroplasty is a procedure that may help realign the fingers to allow for improved function. Post-operatively the MCP joints are positioned in extension for about two weeks before any active therapy program begins.
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12 Tips and Tricks for Working with Orficast
Popular Orficast questions answered!
Here are some questions and answers that we get asked all of the time about using this unique thermoplastic taping material, Orficast. How to remove an orthosis, how to apply the velcro, can the orthosis get wet, and so on. If you have your own tip to share about the Orficast thermoplastic tape, let us know!
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Positioning for Immobilization in Orthotic Management
Specific positioning of safe immobilization for every joint
There is a specific position of safe immobilization for every joint that requires careful consideration. Immobilization in a different position can lead to contractures, stiffness, limited range of motion and inadequate healing.
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Creating “Exercise Mazes” with Orfit Thermoplastic Materials
To gain motion in stiff joints.
How to create a simple orthosis, geared at movement, using a reshaped and embedded paper clip and a small (thermoplastic) or store bought bead.
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Radial Based MCP Joint Orthosis for UCL Repair
Immobilization of the partially torn or repaired ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb.
A recently published biomechanical study in the Journal of Hand Therapy looks at immobilization of the partially torn or repaired ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb.
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Joint hypermobility managed with Orthoses
A more-than-normal range of movement (ROM) in a joint.
This can be localized to a specific joint, or generalized throughout the joints of the body.
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Participate in Hand Therapy Week – June 5-11, 2017
The week of June 5-11, 2017 has been designated as Hand Therapy Week by the American Society of Hand Therapy to help promote the profession and support the hand therapists who work hard to improve their clients’ daily lives.
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Orthotic Options for Stiff and Limited Wrist Motion
The ‘Dinosaur Orthosis’: An Orthosis for Static Progressive or Dynamic Wrist Flexion and Extension. Recently the Practice Forum of The Journal of Hand Therapy featured the orthotic design, the “Dinosaur” orthosis. This is a static progressive or dynamic orthosis for patients with limitations in wrist flexion or extension.
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Orficast More, Our Newest Innovative Material
Designed to make your orthotic fabrications easier
Orficast More is the newest addition to our line of innovative and creative thermoplastic materials, all designed to make your task of orthotic fabrication easier. We created a thicker version of our knitted hybrid material, Orficast, with extra thermoplastic fibres that offer increased rigidity and a longer working time. The…
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Using Orfit Thermoplastics to Manage Extensor Tendon Post-Operative Protocols
By Debby Schwartz, OTD, OTR/L, CHT - Physical Rehabilitation Product and Educational Specialist
A recent systematic review by Wong et al, in the Journal of Hand Therapy, examined the best orthosis and protocol for the management of post-operative extensor tendons in Zones IV- VIII. (Wong, A. L., Wilson, M., Girnary, S., Nojoomi, M., Acharya, S., & Paul, S. M. (2017). The optimal orthosis…
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April is OT month!
April is OT month, recognizing the important work of all occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants. This dedicated profession helps people of all ages participate in the activities that are meaningful to them through the therapeutic use of everyday activities. Occupational Therapy practitioners utilize a holistic…
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Paul Van Lede: February 7, 1944 – February 15, 2017
It is with great sadness that I have to let you know that Paul Van Lede passed away. For many years, Paul was THE Orfit Splinting Product Specialist. He is the one who introduced the early Orfit thermoplastic line to many hand therapists, OT’s and PT’s across the globe. He…
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Congratulations to the new CHT’s!
Orfit is proud to acknowledge the 133 newly Certified Hand Therapists (CHT’s) who passed the November 2016 Hand Therapy Certification Examination. Many hours of study and hard work went into their success. These committed individuals are occupational or physical therapists with at least 5 years of clinical experience, including 4000…
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The use of coils as outrigger components in mobilization orthoses
Springs and/or lengths of wire with coils store potential energy which can be released to do “work”. These components can easily be incorporated into mobilization orthoses to provide “work” in the form of functional support of joints, assistance for weak or absent muscles, and resistance or stretch to joints with…
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Splint in the Spotlight – Radial Paralysis: a progressive orthosis
Our Orfit blog shares information and instructions in matching our thermoplastic materials to orthotic designs. Please check back frequently to gain inspiration and ideas in orthotic fabrication for all of your patient’s needs. Radial Paralysis – a progressive orthosis The radial nerve innervates the…
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Creating well-designed orthoses that are also visually attractive
Some patients need to wear an orthosis long term to help them perform their daily routine of activities. Other patients require orthoses for a short period while healing. But an orthosis will almost always become a very visual part of the individual! We feel strongly that each individual orthosis…
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UNRWA thanks Orfit for donation of orthotic equipment
At Orfit Industries, our goal is to help as many patients as possible anywhere in the world. In 2015, we decided to help the UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, in providing immediate assistance to patients…
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Ideas for Orthoses with Orficast – 22 Orficast Instructional Movies
What is Orficast Thermoplastic Tape? Orficast is an innovative casting and splinting tape that is applied directly to the patient after heat activation. Orficast is available in both Blue and Black colors, in 3 cm and 6 cm widths.  The…
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Counterforce Strap Orthoses for the Treatment of Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow
‘Tennis Elbow’ or ‘Lateral Epicondylitis’ refers to a common complaint of pain and discomfort in the lateral elbow and upper forearm, and tenderness of the forearm extensor muscles. In this condition, there is a degeneration of the origin of these muscles, weakening this area. This is thought to be an overuse injury and it can have a major impact on one’s activities of daily living.
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Dynamic Orthoses and Force Application
Orthoses for mobilization are commonly used in hand therapy interventions to substitute for weak or absent muscles or to apply force to stiff tissue and joints to regain passive joint motion. Orthoses using too much force can cause injury to body structures resulting in pain and edema. Too little force will not achieve the desired goals of the intervention.
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Immobilization Splinting for Traumatology – The Basics
This article is meant for novice splinters and can also serve as a refresher for more advanced therapists. We list the basic guidelines for immobilization splinting for traumatology and talk about the thermoplastic materials that can be chosen for specific designs. We also specify some…
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The Current Evidence for Static Progressive Orthoses for the Upper Extremity
Article by Debby Schwartz published in the ASHT Times Jan 2016
Download the entire study (PDF) here >> Static progressive orthoses is a type of mobilization orthosis that therapists use to help their clients regain passive motion in stiff joints and tissues.This type of orthosis incorporates non-elastic components to apply force to the stiff joint or tissue,…
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Splinting with Orficast Thermoplastic Tape: Orficast alternatives to thermoplastic splints of the hand and finger (made by Orfit distributor Otto Bock Australia)
The information below has been created by Damien Silvester and Amanda MacKillop, hand therapy specialists at Otto Bock Australia, our distributor in Australia. They use it as a handout suggesting Orficast alternatives to thermoplastic splints of the hand and…
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Sup-ER orthosis for infants with brachial plexus injuries
Kim Durlacher (BScOT, CHT) and her colleagues at the British Columbia Children’s Hospital in Vancouver developed a special orthosis for babies born with brachial plexus injuries. The Sup- ER orthosis, described in the Journal of Hand Therapy in 2014, helps maintain the affected arm in supination…
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Splint in the Spotlight – Dart Thrower’s Motion Orthosis (also known as the Dart Splint)
The Dart Thrower’s Motion Splint allows for guided motion in the plane known as “dart thrower’s motion”, an oblique motion of the wrist that is incorporated during most of our activities of daily living. The motion consists of radial deviation and extension (called radial extension) towards ulnar deviation and flexion (called ulnar flexion).
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Splint in the Spotlight – Short Thumb Spica (Opponens) Splint
The goals of the Short Thumb Spica are twofold: maintain the thumb in opposition, and preserve the first web space. The Orfit thumb gauntlet (butterfly pattern) addresses both of these goals, but it may be difficult to remove especially when the patient has to wear his orthosis during the night.
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Splint in the Spotlight – The Long Opponens / Thumb Spica Orthosis
Several pathologies require immobilization of the wrist and thumb joints in a wrist- hand -finger orthosis known as the long thumb opponens or thumb spica orthosis. 1) Arthritis of the wrist and thumb (both Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis) 2) Scaphoid Fractures 3) ...
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Splint in the Spotlight – Ulnar Drift Splint
This splint design can be used to improve the alignment of strongly deviated fingers, which is in many cases caused by rheumatoid arthritis. An ulnar drift deformity is characterized by ulnar deviation and volar subluxation of the metacarpal phalangeal (MCP) joints.
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Splint in the Spotlight – Lever Splint System for Hemiplegia
Objective of the splint: Prevention of tissue shortening. One of the main problems we face with hemiplegia is tissue contractures. There are several causes, beginning with edema leading up to articular stiffness, and eventually muscle shortening.
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The Dorsal Wrist Cock-up Orthosis
The dorsal design allows for functional activities to be performed easily without interference of the orthosis.
Objectives of the Splint: Immobilization of the wrist joint for restriction of motion, pain relief, joint alignment, functional support, and/ or positioning for healing.
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Splint in the Spotlight: Dorsal Blocking Orthosis
The Dorsal Blocking Orthosis is a dorsally placed immobilization orthosis designed to protect the sutured/repaired flexor tendons and/or nerves in a tension free position. Other names for this splint include Extension Block Splint, Dorsal shell, and Dorsal Protective splint.
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Splint in the Spotlight: Finger Extension Assist Orthosis
When peripheral nerves are injured by compression or laceration, motor and sensory function can be significantly impaired. Nerve recovery may be prolonged and therapists are often confronted with the task of creating functional orthoses to help clients maintain their independence while awaiting nerve regeneration and/ or recovery.
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Splint in the Spotlight: Metacarpal-Phalangeal (MCP) Joint Blocking Orthosis
Our Orfit blog shares information and instructions in matching our thermoplastic materials to orthotic designs. Please check back frequently to gain inspiration and ideas in orthotic fabrication for all of your patient’s needs. Today, we focus on the Metacarpal-Phalangeal (MCP) Joint Blocking Orthosis. Pathology: Digital blocking…
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Splint in the Spotlight: Circumferential Elbow Splint for Elbow Positioning
Our Orfit blog shares information and instructions in matching our thermoplastic materials to orthotic designs. Please check back frequently to gain inspiration and ideas in orthotic fabrication for all of your patient’s needs. Today, we focus on the Circumferential Elbow Splint for Elbow Positioning. Pathology: Patients…
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Splint in the Spotlight: Gauntlet thumb post splint for Functional Positioning of the Thumb
Our Orfit blog shares information and instructions in matching our thermoplastic materials to orthotic designs. Please check back frequently to gain inspiration and ideas in orthotic fabrication for all of your patient’s needs. In this first article of the ‘Splint in the Spotlight’ series, we focus on…
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Unordinary applications of thermoplastic materials
Orfit Thermoplastic materials used in unusual, creative ways to improve patient comfort Felix de Beer, molding technician at the Catharina Hospital in Eindhoven (the Netherlands), uses Orfit thermoplastic materials in rather unusual ways. One of the patients, René, has now expressed his wish to share a molding technique that has…
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Soccer player wears Orfit mask to cure from crack in eye socket
Memphis Depay, soccer player at PSV Eindhoven in Holland, is wearing an Orfit mask to cure from a crack in his eye socket, incurred because of an elbow punch during a match. “The mask will even stay put when heading a ball”, says Felix de Beer of the Catharina Hospital…
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Marouane Fellaini resumes trainings with custom-made Orfit Splint
Recovering from his wrist injury, Fellaini will wear an Orfit Crystal NS splint during his recommenced trainings
Marouane Fellaini (midfielder for Manchester United and for the Belgian National soccer team) is currently recovering from a wrist surgery and is expected to be out until February. Fellaini injured his wrist ligaments in a clash against Shakhtar Donetsk during the Champions League in October, but after consulting with the…
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10 Reasons Why Orficast is the Thermoplastic Tape you want to use
Orficast is the new generation of thermoplastic materials for immobilization purposes. It is a stretchable, self-adhesive textile, knitted from thermoplastic fibers. The blue version has been around for a while, and now we also offer Orficast in an appealing black colour. Although it looks simple, Orficast is high tech!…
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Splinting with Orfit materials: Wrist and thumb Orthosis from Orfit Colors NS 2.0mm
Splinting Techniques: Video 9 of 10
This week, we would like to show you another splinting video for a wrist and thumb orthosis. The demonstrated material is a pre-cut model from Orfit Colors NS in Hot Green. A wrist and thumb orthosis can serves to immobilize the wrist, the basal joint and the MCP joint of the thumb. This…
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Splinting with Orfit materials: Dorsal wrist orthosis from Orfilight Black NS 3.2mm with Orfitube Outrigger
Splinting Techniques: Video 8 of 10
Today we want to show how to create a dorsal wrist cock-up orthosis with Orfilight Black NS, completed with an Orfitube outrigger attachment. The Dorsal Wrist Cock-Up Orthosis immobilizes the wrist joint to allow healing and rest or protection of injured structures. It can be used to help…
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Splinting with Orfit materials: Anti swan neck orthosis from Orfit Strips
Splinting Techniques: Video 7 of 10
For this week’s episode of Splinting Thursdays, we would like to show you how to create an anti swan neck orthosis from Orfit Strips. The swan neck deformity describes the finger with a hyperextended Proximal- interphalangeal (PIP) joint and a flexed Distal -Interphalangeal (DIP) joint. A common condition that…
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Splinting with Orfit materials: Anti claw orthosis from Orfit Strips
Splinting Techniques: Video 6 of 10
This week, we have an instruction video for an anti claw orthosis, made from Orfit Strips in Orfit Colors NS 3.2mm. Injury to the ulnar nerve may cause an abnormal hand posture typically referred to as “clawing” of the ring and little fingers.  This posture includes hyperextension of the Metacarpo-phalangeal…
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Splinting with Orfit materials: Circumferential elbow orthosis from Aquafit NS (Orfit Natural NS) 3.2mm
Splinting Techniques: Video 5 of 10
For this week’s episode of Splinting Thursdays, we want to show you a circumferential elbow orthosis made from Orfit Natural NS or Aquafit 3.2mm. Posterior elbow orthoses are utilized to immobilize the elbow joint and surrounding tissues to allow for rest and healing, and /or to protect these structures…
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Splinting with Orfit materials: Volar Wrist Cock-up Orthosis from Orfit Flex NS 3.2mm
Splinting Techniques: Video 4 of 10
In this week’s edition of Splinting Thursdays, we want to show you a Volar Wrist Cock-up Orthosis made of Orfit Flex NS 3.2. The volar wrist cock- up orthosis is one of the most frequently fabricated orthoses.  It holds the wrist in extension but allows for functional use of the…
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Splinting with Orfit materials: Precut gauntlet thumb orthosis from Orfilight Black NS 1.6mm
Splinting Techniques: Video 3 of 10
This demonstration features Orfit’s precut gauntlet thumb post orthosis. The primary purpose of the short opponens orthosis, also commonly known as a short thumb spica or basal joint orthosis is to immobilize the thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) and metacarpo-phalangeal (MP) joints to allow for healing, rest, and /or protection of the…
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Splinting with Orfit materials: Resting hand orthosis from Orfit Colors NS Gold 3.4mm
Splinting Techniques: Video 2 of 10
This video demonstrates how to make a resting hand orthosis from Orfit Colors NS Gold 3.4mm. The objective of the resting hand orthosis is to provide a comfortable and correct resting position for the wrist, hand and fingers and to allow for healing and rest of injured structures. This type of…
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Splinting with Orfit materials: Orfit Wrist and thumb orthosis from Orfit Classic 2.0mm microperforated
Splinting Techniques: Video 1 of 10
In this video, a wrist and thumb orthosis that serves to immobilize the wrist, the basal joint and the MCP joint of the thumb is created. This type of immobilization splint is recommended during the treatment of several indications, including but not limited to: Post-surgical thumb basal joint arthritis Thumb…
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